
This post is an introduction and will include answers to the Learning Pod Self Reflection questions.

I would say I am always open to discussion and like to make sure every individual feels heard and included. I often end up with the role of creating a group, outlining the steps of the project, evenly assigning work, and checking if there are any issues.

I would like to work on my communication skills when it comes to disagreements as this is an area we often find ourselves in as students in group projects.

An extroverted-introvert. I tend to be more extroverted around other introverts and more introverted when I need to recharge after matching the energy of extroverts.

Pacific (PST)

Usually after 1pm until the evening

Keep it to myself. I believe it is best to think over what has made you upset instead of immediately acting on it. If it bothers me the next day then I will share with others.

I like that we are able to share our different approaches, learn from eachother, and split up work to lighten the load for each other.

I do not like having to complete the work of others or trying to communicate with group members who do not respond.

I am looking forward to working with you throughout the duration of this course!